1) Let us be the green host of our earth, to learn from nature and welcome everyone who visits our region with our best vibes.

2) Let us be a tourist like the wind, to know and respect the happiness of other cultures, other skies, other oceans and other lands.

3) Let us be a mind like water, to keep flowing through knowledge and consciousness to keep empowering our wisdom.

4) Let us have an attitude like fire, because with the passion of doing what we love to do, we will continue evolving our world.


1. The first thing we need to learn as a society, are the good intentions between ourselves and the world. Let us promote this idea as a principle base to help our personal and social development. Welcome all cultures. Zero discrimination.

2. Collective minds… we must find each other, know each other, become organized and act together. Being that we are always vibrating with values, desire, ability, audacity, discipline, time and opportunity to achieve SUCCESS.

3. With knowledge and consciousness we will build our way to becoming wiser, thus being able to exploit the best version of ourselves with each day that passes by, so that we can feel and trust more in one another, because truth is relative, but confidence is absolute. We must listen to our teachers because their lives are full of truths, because truths are words that have been walked.

4. If you give you feed, if you retain you sink, if you liberate you expand, if you love you become eternal… because through that you will live.

5. We need to develop our instinct and physical work. All feelings of aggressive emotions will be channeled into sport competition, where you will go up against the best so that you can challenge and vent yourself out of all that euphoria you might be carrying with you.

6. Practice with your own style the best creative dreams in the best pragmatic feet. Only those who can dream with the sky are the ones who will have the courage to dare themselves to invent their own wings to fly.

7. Do not label yourself with only one specialty, we are not “musicians” and we play music, we are not “carpenters” and we make furniture, we are not “doctors” and we heal people, we are not “architects” and we build cities, we are not “teachers” and we educate societies. We can specialize in different fields; you just need to challenge yourself. What would Leonardo Da Vinci say if he were to be born again?

8. Always evolve in your 8 atmospheres like: Sport, Art, Science, Society, Nature, Philosophy, Gastronomy and Health. In this way we can test ourselves everywhere and every time in all our capacities. We need to have a constant evolution, a physical and mentally mutated progression. Reinvent yourself in each breath, amaze yourself in each sigh.

9. Great teachers have taught us great moments, they have inspired us an innumerable amount of times, they have had the courage and responsibility to take the torch from other great teachers that have passed it down. It is time to have the courage to grab the torch to later pass it to our next generations. Without age to undertake…. without age to keep on pushing forward. Let us keep passing down the torch.

10. Let us continue to maintain healthy the ecology of our world. If we use a seed when we need it, let us cultivate 8 more to fill up the fields. In this way, our resources will never end.

11.- Let us live something that vibrates our lives, let us live a life that you would like to remember. If you want to become someone honorable in your life, glorify with upper case letters the word RESPECT.

12. A place does not belong to the one who purchased it, it belongs to those who live in it. Ideas do not belong to the one who creates them, they belong to the ones who enjoy them. And visions do not belong to the one who professes them, they belong to those who can see the stars.


Hello, you are our guest to the instructional of individual investment for the unending fountain of existence.

Because eminence is the product of management!

We need for you to have the interest of interpreting and integrating the essence of indigenousity that we have inside (in our DNA) to reach your immensity, interconnected:

Introspection Instinct Immunity Intelligence Innocence Innovation Inspiration Integration

These are the instruments that will empower your existence!

When was the last time you invited yourself to a cup of tea just to be with yourself?

This is your invitation to the Uni-existence!

“Because pardon will make us invulnerable, incorruption will make us unbreakable, ingenuity will make us indestructible, inspiration will make us incredible, because in the invincible love we will be unforgettable.


They have lead us to believe that fame is the same as great impact in your life, and if you do not have fame at a certain age… or if you do not have acceptance at a certain level… you will not achieve great enough impact to be someone in life. Your radius is what gives you true impact, wherever you go wherever you are. That is your space, that is your universe and in it you will transcend. With just accomplishing a true impact in your home, in your neighborhood or in your town… you will be able to provide towards change in your city, country, continent, world and universe. If we learn to clean and educate our home we will not have to clean and educate the streets.

The static commodities break the adaptive way of life of the Magunis. This is why we invite you to live the cultures, eat what they eat, drink what they drink and feel what they feel, so that we may understand the greatness of what they create. Because our greatness must be greater than our fears!

The most important thing in your life is your radius. The most important thing in life are those precise moments to exist. Because your radius is your universe!

Allow yourself a pause and auto-evaluate yourself in different atmospheres by asking yourself:

How am I in Philosophy?
How am I in Sport?
How am I in Health?
How am I in Nature?
How am I in Art?
How am I in Science?
How am I in Gastronomy?
How am I in Society?

Because there does not exist a weaker moment, than when someone does not know how to govern themselves… and there does not exist a greater moment, than when someone dares to conquer themselves!

“Let us contribute a few grains of planets for the restructuring of societies.”


We have plain confidence in the new generations, in our youth, because they have the energy and the innocence. And when we can count on that collective consciousness of wonder and youth… we are capable of accomplishing the unimaginable.

The first thing we need to learn and promote as a society is good intentions and respect between us and the world. Because surely in the interactions between one another we will commit many errors such as not agreeing in ways of thinking, such as having wrong perceptions of the actions of others and thus reacting in the worst possible way that affect us. But our intentions in helping others must be positive and impeccable. Let us promote the good intentions as a base principle so that it can help our personal and social development. “Imagine that you have my heart and I have your heart.”

The formation of values with discipline is very important, even though it hurts to teach and even though it hurts to learn. By only just identifying if our teachers (at home, school, work and street) have a good intention with us, we must learn to abide to strict techniques for our formation as responsible and relevant individuals. One time a Tibetan father told his son after 30 years of teaching under strict methods… “Maybe on some occasions I have been like an ogre towards you… but I always wanted to make sure to teach you the most beautiful feelings of life, those that are worth existing for. for those that are worth to exist.” Because discipline has formed the great nations of humanities history.

Do our governors think that by only having the best minds creating and the best hands transforming, that they will be able to continue to have the same life style they have had?... well they are very wrong because it will never be the same having one million people developing for them, than to have more than seven thousand million people developing for them and everyone.

If all of a sudden there existed a natural catastrophe in our planet in which we were forced to migrate to space in search of another planet habitable for humanity… we would not be able to save everyone, only a small percentage of our society would be able to save themselves, but not for a long time. Maybe with that million people our governors and families would be able to live two hundred years in space, but after that time their descendants will acclaim when they had more than seven billion people developing for them and everyone else technologies that would have allowed them to continue living and evolving in space for an indefinite amount of time.

Maybe it will take us one or ten decades in accomplishing these great changes pro-evolution for humanity, but we have the confidence in that we will make it.


Due to the wrong perception of events and the wrong attitude brought by them. We lack the conscious, to be able to respect. Because the conflict is not between good and evil, rather between wisdom and ignorance. It is very sad when people are reluctant to exist. We should not haste to have money, rather have the grandeur to transcend in what we love to do. So climb aboard the train of your destiny, or do not block the way. Because we do what we have, and we are what we do. So never stop doing, what makes you be. Triumph is full of emotions, but more than that, it is full of firmness.


We carry DNA in the blood from thousands of generations that make us vibrate like an echo in eternity. Hence, we have felt millions of moments of joy and sadness that strengthen us to exist, and we can remember them by only decodifying them. In us our ancestors will continue living, because in us we find the true codex of humanity. Death does not exist, only life, only transformation, if love exists. Because our life was not enough to contemplate so much natural beauty, discover so much magic, and defy so many enigmatic abysms. I speak of a future that will become past faster than it takes us to open and close our eyes again. It is time to “restructure” thoughts, “re-frequence” essences, “re-affirm” beginnings. And in this dream, we awaken again.


Do you want to live a thousand lives? Decodify yourself. Do you want to live the magic? Amaze yourself. Do you want to live forever? Love. Think openly, feel by sensitizing, project everything and evolve by detaching. Allow yourself to be drawn so that you can see how destiny paints you. Because one image says more than a thousand words, but one word tells more than a thousand stories. What is your name? It is a pleasure to know of your existence.


We always dream, but we forget. Imagine that you wake up, but you are still dreaming. What happens when you know you are dreaming? You can decide where to go, where to fly, you can decide what you want to feel and what you want to create. Follow your instinct, follow your images, transform in yourself.


The word “impossible” is not found within the dictionary of great hearts. It does not matter how big the challenges are, because our determination will impose upon them. We must stay always focused on what we want to accomplish, always with a sharpened vision like a katana. Because the most powerful vision of planet earth is the fusion of imagination, discipline and heart, and there is nothing or anyone that can stop it.


You are, because you are who opens where you go. Because what defines you, is what you defend. So disconnect for a while from the outside and submerge in yourself. Because losing yourself, will always help you find yourself. More than ever, more than anything, more than anybody. What irony to hear it, but how harmonious to feel it.


Our consciousness becomes clearer and our acts become eternal. Let us push together for the good of all, no stepping back, no giving up, no claudication, only one force and one live voice. Let us remember that we are part of something, yet not of someone, and that something… is the all. Since we are tied to nothing and we are lovers of everything. So activate, activate now, it does not matter how long you last, we wait for you… because we will get there.


Let us live moments that shine in eternity, feeling the constellations on our skin. Do not miss out on the spectacle of the unexpected. Because he who waits, is disappointed, and he who waits for nothing, is surprised. Let us fly like the sky, without knowing it fly’s, let us shine like lights, without knowing they shine, let us create like nebulas, without knowing that they create… because from nebulas, stars are born.


We must be brave for love. So let us not delude with our words, if we are going to disillusion with our actions. Let us remember that emotions become art, when the soul wants to embrace. We need to constantly recline on brilliant feelings, being that in this way hearts that are full, will never be empty. This is why we must be strong, energetic and brilliant in order to recharge one another and possible broken hearts, because they will someday also recharge us. Golden souls! The letter “Z” is the last letter of the alphabet… and this is where ours begins. Because this me, this is us, this is where, and this is now!


Hey, hold on, hold on tight to that which you most want but hold on tight. Hold on to your existence, belief, culture, family or to that which you love the most. Because that will be the guide for the times that are coming. Let us recognize that others are holding on to what they lived, so that they may stand firm in order to defend their freedom. Let us recognize that for others it works well to hold on to what makes them grow as honorable people, as long as they do not affect anything or anyone. Let us recognize that our form is not the only form of forms, it is not the only guide of lives, it is not the only form of energy and much less the only way to love. Let us go to the transcendence of our existence in a way that we have never seen humanity before. More compromised, more conscious and more radiant. It is time to recognize, hug, and unify the distinct forms of culture to continue expanding. So hold on to wherever you want to hold on, but hold on tight, because the moment to shine the unity of humanity has arrived. Because the perfect time is the present time! “Stand still, stay burning, listen to the flames, of burning suns. Because sparkles live and vibes go, they are the heartbeats asking… “The Descendants of the Sun”.


Many times we disorganize our lives in search for answers, and sometimes in just a single word... we organize it again. The question is… What is that word or few words that inject life into your existence? Maybe you have lived in various homes, in various cabins, in various apartments, in various rooms, in various studios, on various couches, on various hammocks, on various floors, in various planes, in various busses, in various cars, in various boat, in various trains, in various cities, in various towns, in various forests, in various jungles, in various deserts, in various beaches, in various valleys, in various classrooms and in various moments, but in few homes. And the best place to live, is inside yourself!


Introspection is the best mirror that traces the thousands of possible routs of our existence. So, disconnect from the outside and submerge inside yourself. Remember that emotions become art when the soul wants to hug. Because what is done is what you have and you are what you do. We must fight and enjoy up to the last second of each day. We must fight and enjoy up to the last breath of life. It is necessary that we always search for the best forms to articulate our thoughts, our words, and our actions.

There is more time than life, there is more space than time and there is more life than space in time. Because life leaves in a single breath, time transpires in eternity, and in space the universes live. The ocean lives from water, the volcano from the earth the tornado from the wind, the sun from fire and our heartbeats from all the elements. There will never exist enough time for those who think about time. And there will exist all the time you want, when you become it. They say that life is worth nothing, but it is worth a life time to live it, and that is the EVERYTHING for the existence.


Let us do an exercise of introspection that will allow us to see our distinct “Me’s”, by doing each their different routines, over and over again, over and over again. Let us observe from the top and let us go observe one by one, without losing the details of the places that they normally visit, without losing the details of who they interact with, without losing vision of the other “Me’s” interacting with each one in their usual zone. Now let us observe them walking among each other, let us observe their abilities, weaknesses, joy, sadness, shame, strength and a long etcetera. It is extremely necessary to identify the routines that are wearing us down and that provide nothing positive. It is necessary to identify them, eliminate them and replace them with new productive routines, that build you up and that excite you. We should not just eliminate the bad routines, being that we will energetically debilitate ourselves by not doing any physical or mental activity, and if we stop doing any physical or mental activity, we will begin to slowly die. This is why we must always eliminate the bad routines and substitute them for good routines that challenge you, transform you and inject you vitality.

Let us do routines that are enjoyed, like the routine of how to prepare yourself for a sports competition or the routine of elaborating a project for accomplishing its operation, etcetera, always changing the forms without changing the consistency. And if you are good in whatever you do, you can transform yourself in the one who changes the tendency in that something, and can become a cliché that inspires others without you even looking for it, simply because it was you… in many forms.